Voter Registration
Dawson County Election Administrator
P.O. BOX 1268
116 Austin Ave
Lamesa, TX 79331
Office hours:
Monday-Thursday 8:30-5:00
Closed for lunch 12-1(except during election time)
Friday 8:30-4:00
How to Register to Vote
A voter registration application must be submitted to the Voter Registrar's office, located at 116 Austin Ave, Lamesa, TX 79331. The application may be delivered in person, mailed, or delivered by a
deputy voter registrar. You cannot register via the internet but you can change a name and/or
address within the same county in which you are registered.
Your voter registration becomes effective 30 days after it is received by our office. There is no
registration by political party in Texas. Citizens register in their county of current residence.
We are located at 116 Austin Ave Lamesa, TX 79331.
You may obtain your voter registration application here and we will help you with any questions you
might have.
You will have an opportunity to register to vote when you get your driver's license renewed.
However, you will not be registered with this office until we receive and process your card.
Eligibility for registration:
- be 18 years of age or older
- be a United States Citizen
- cannot have been determined totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated
without the right to vote
- cannot have been finally convicted of a felony, or, if so, must have fully discharged all conditions of
the sentence or pardoned
- be a resident of the county in which application for registration is made.
Remember: you must be registered at least 30 days prior to any election. For further information
call (806)329-3323.
Get Application
Verify voter registration online